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Community service


“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” Mahatma Gandhi


I participate in a lot of community service project through my school, church, and job. I take pride in assisting the environment or community in any way I can. Giving back to the community is the best way to improve it for yourself and the people around you.


Las Milpitas De Cottonwood Farm

    Las Milpitas farm is a farm that provides local communities a place to grow their own foods as well as provides food to the local community food bank. Our National Honors Society Chapter assisted this farm by pulling weeds, shoveling large piles of compost consisting of various biodegradable items. this is to assist the local community farmers with their crops and making food.


Teachers Assistant

     I have a free period during my time at school, during this time I usually assist my mother who is a teacher at my school with her work, she works full time and the work stacks up. As her teachers assistant, I help grade papers as well as monitor the class when she leaves the classroom. I am also an errand runner for her to make her job easier.

Church Volunteer

     I volunteer a lot at my local church. There is a growing community attending and I assist the best I can with child care, and at our local festivals. On average the church produces about three or four festivals annually, I usually sign up and work the whole time so that the church can make money and so I can give back to the community.


Camp Counselor

     Over the summer in between my freshman and sophomore year I participated in our local church's Vacation Bible School. Here I volunteered as a group leader and was assigned my own group of children. I assisted them with group projects and led them in camp songs. I actually had a lot of fun helping children and having them look up to me, both figuratively and literally.


Congressional District 2 Primary Debate

     I participated along with a couple of other government students with a local debate for the congressional district two

primaries. Iserved on a panel of 3 students and asked questions that were important to our community and our district. We had a great turn out and I was glad to help my Congressional District with this important decision.

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